Friday, July 2, 2010

Rubeck Valfrihetens Gymnasium!

I have my school placement! I will be attending Rudbeck Gymnasium, with 2000 students and one of Stockholm's most popular schools. I'm beyond excited, I have been stalking the school website ( for days now. It looks like such a nice school. Since I will be in the music program at Rudbeck I have to take a music test that involves both singing and music theory. I'm a bit nervous for the music theory but I am going to practice with some of my old choir friends who are really good at that stuff. I will be walking about 5 minutes every day to the bus stop and then from there it will be about 10 minutes to school. I have never taken public transportation in my life so this will be a good change. Rudbeck is in my town (Sollentuna) which is really nice. There is even an exchange student there right now from Australia who I will know, I probably won't see her or be in her class but I'm happy I will at least know one person kind of. Every day I'm getting more and more information and it's getting more and more real. I'm nervous about everything but so excited, I leave August 1oth. Wow.


  1. Wow, that's one helluva good-looking school! It matches you ;) And don't worry, your singing is beyond awesome!
    The fact that you've never used public transportation before is a bit weird to me though, since pretty much all teens in northern Europe relies on it, haha :P

  2. I love public transportation and I bet you will, too.. it makes me want to move to a big city in the US. This is really exciting and I can't wait to see you in December and hear all about it! Though that's weird to think about now, since you haven't left yet.

  3. so exciting! thats an amazing school! only, hmmm. 33 days?!

  4. Which Australian friend.? I just went on a euro tour with all the exchange students in Sweden. :) In in a place called Norrköping, you will love it here in Sweden. :) Its going to be the best year of your life.
